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I will fight for:

Woman in Wheelchair Drinking Coffee

Accessibility for All

We have a long way to go when it comes to ensuring all Delawareans have access to the most basic of places. This is most important for the disabled community. 


Working to increase support, awareness, and updated accessibility in the state will bridge the gap of those who have been told they can't and bring their voices to a table of equity. 

Ancient Architecture

Housing and Tenants' Rights

The housing crisis has made home ownership unaffordable to most and sent rent prices skyrocketing. Housing is a human right. I support giving every Delawarean a realistic option to own a home and I support measures to control rent and a tenants’ right to counsel during eviction, which my opponent does not.

School Bus


As a mother, I have seen firsthand how our schools are letting our Delaware youth down. Well-rounded education is a privilege of the wealthy while the poor and marginalized are left to languish. We need a safe education system that is funded according to the needs of all children, from Pre-K through higher education, and not according to property value.

abortion rally.JPG

Women's Healthcare

The overturning of Roe vs Wade by the Supreme Court is an attack on women everywhere. While the right to abortion is codified in Delaware law, not all who need abortion are able to access it. Abortion is healthcare, and Medicaid must cover it.


Incarcerated Women's Health

Being incarcerated does not equal lack of basic healthcare rights. Incarcerated women are most often imprisoned due to the inability to pay fines and fees. This leads to the breakdown of families, poverty, and childhood trauma. 


Not having access to basic healthcare rights increase the trauma of being incarcerated and dehumanizes at a profound level. We need to ensure our incarcerated women (pregnant or not) are getting the necessary treatment so they are healthy citizens when they are back in society.

Doctor's Appointment

Medical & Mental Healthcare

I want to ensure that all who are in need of healthcare have the ability to receive it without stigma or red tape. Delaware deserves a statewide public option for healthcare.

Beach Sunset

Environmental Justice

Delaware is the country’s lowest lying state, and the effects of climate change will be catastrophic. Marginalized communities will feel the impact in much more severity than wealthier areas. We need a representative who acknowledges the threat of ecological collapse, rather than one who sides with Republicans to block necessary environmental legislation.

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